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10 Interesting Facts about India That you Didn't Know

Officially known as the Republic of India, India is the seventh largest country of the world and also the second most populated country. It is also the largest democracy of the world. These are some things that everybody knows about India. But there are more interesting facts about India that you probably didn’t know. Well, here are some to enlighten you.

1. India was an Island Once

Yes, more than 100 million years ago most of what is India today, was an island. The land was actually part of a super-continent called, Gondwanaland, that broke away and moved northwards. About 50 million years later, the continental plate collided with Asia. This process created the Himalayas, home to the tallest mountain peak, Mount Everest.
In fact, archeologists have found fossilized sea shells and sea animals on the peaks. The process of collision hasn’t stopped yet, rendering Mount Everest and other high peaks a new height each year. 

2. India is home to the largest postal network in the world.

The State-run postal system in India is the largest in the world. The postal network, known as the India Post consists of 154,939 post offices spread all over the country with the vast majority (89.86%) being based in the rural areas. Each post office serves an area of 8.19 square miles with about 8,054 residents. The primary services offered by Indian Post are essential postal services as well as courier services. Being the only major government institution available to some remote rural villages, Indian Post also offers banking and other essential financial services. The extensive postal network is serviced by over 460,000 employees. The postal system also features the highest post office in the world located in Hikkim at an altitude of 15,500 feet above sea level.

3.There are more vegetarians in India than anywhere else in the world.

According to a 2007 report by the UN FAO, India has the lowest meat consumption rate in the world, a fact attributed to strong religious and cultural beliefs in the country. The country has the highest number of vegetarians in the world with 31% of Indians being vegetarians. The vegetarian diet orientation is so common in India that there are laws providing that edible commodities should be marked accordingly. Vegetarianism is most common in the Vaishnav, Jain, and Lingayat communities and least prevalent among Muslims.
4. India has the world’s largest film industry

The Indian film industry produces more than 1,000 films on an average each year – much more than Hollywood does in the same period. In fact most of the films aren’t even produced in Bollywood but in regional Telugu and Tamil languages widely spoken in south India.
5. India has a large Muslim population
Even though only a fraction of Indians follow Islam – about 15% - India is believed to rank the second or third highest Muslim population in the world, ranking higher than many Muslim majority countries.

6. Newspapers Run Strong

While most of the world is slowly getting rid of newspapers as they can get their news on their smartphones or tablets, India still believes the best way to get their daily dose of the happenings from around the world is to hold a newspaper and read it. The reason behind this is because the literacy rate has risen significantly but the rate of internet usage has decreased. Another reason is the number of languages that are spoken in the country. These newspapers print in all the various languages unlike online news where you could get the news in maybe 10 languages at max. Buying a newspaper in India is reasonably cheaper than using the internet as well. And the best thing about reading all these newspapers is that you can sell them back to a person for a price and they in turn sell them again.
7.India is the only country that mentions M.R.P on its products.
Yes india is the only country which mentions maximum retail price in products.
8. Largest producer of Mangoes
Not surprisingly, India is the world's biggest producer of mangoes – over 1.2 million each year! More than 40% of the world’s mango output comes from India. In fact the mangoes are a several hundred in variety.
9. The sea-link in Mumbai has steel equal to the earth’s circumference
The Bandra-Worli sea-link in India’s commercial and Bollywood capital, Mumbai, has steel wires equal to the circumference of the earth – 40,065 kilometers. It also weighs as much as 50,000 elephants.
10. Indians invented the concept of shampooing
Indians are believed to have invented the first shampoo with traditional herbs. In fact the word ‘shampoo’ comes from the ancient Sanskrit word, champu, which translates to, ‘to massage.

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