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What is vedic science?

Vedic science may refer to a number of disciplines: ancient and modern,scientific, metaphysical, proto-scientific, found in or based in the VedasVedicperiod. Vedanga, the six ancient disciplines subservient to the understanding and tradition of the Vedas.

what is modern science?

The early modern period is seen as a flowering of the European Renaissance, in what is often known as the Scientific Revolution, viewed as a foundation of modern science.

India is the only country where there is study of both modern science[majority] and also vedic science[minority]. The people who study modern science will never accept the vedic science and people who studied vedic science never accepts the modern science.Both the peoples are one sided knowledge people's and never accept the other theoris.

This people's are missing the fact that real science can only brought out by connecting the bridge between the modern science and the vedic science.If both are connected  then only  real science will be the outcome.

The real science can only brought out by the indian people's who has the knowledge of both vedic aswell as modern science .By this India can teach other nations about the real depth of the science.Also india can become the King for science and technology.

But for our fate, Indian education system never allows students to learn about vedic science and also they never provide opportunity to study the ancient science , vedas , upanishads etc. This is the indias situation where they are not allowed to study indias own knowledge.

The people who are well studied in modern science always react like " These are all unscientific"
My question to them is to say something as  unscientific 'some  unscientific is itself the  unscientific'.
According to me nothing can be called as  unscientific because 100 years before flying aeroplanes ,internet was  unscientific to modern science but today it has become a scientific.Todays  unscientific may be tommorows scienticfic .So there is no meaning in calling as unscientific. 
 By this we can say that science never have its own firms or conditions instead it can be extended upto any level. 

Our indian proud scientist Jayant vishnu narlikar gave a wonderfull statement that "Science is a casset and it is built on hypothesis, if the hypothesis is wrong then the entire casset will be collapsed"
By this it means anytime science which we are studying may be proved as wrong if the foundation of itself is wrong.But many people standing on this foundation and saying other vedic science are unscientific.
One more thing is that everything in the world is science and also science is never concluded and it is the never ending process of investigation.

If some or the other person says that vedic science and the laws of it are false .
My answer to this people in short example is that " if a blind person goes and hits a pillar , and blind man  says that its the mistake of pillar . Does this make any sense?
Same case happen when they say vedic science is false , This peoples had never read or try to understand the vedic science but they would comment very fast negatively.
Its not enough about seeing the things , its about observe the things first then  take interest and make research and then give the comments instead of commenting before.

John wood a great scholar once said "Indians are like manasa putra of british before and also after the independence. He also said that Indians first must become Indians otherwise there is no meaning in swarajya. 

Once in Bombay there was a conference about modern science and vedic science. Many of the notable scientists from different countries also attended this conference . One scientists after hearing about vedic science from a indian scholar he shares his feeling as "i was thinking like i have learnt science upto the top most peak and also i knew everything but after hearing about vedic science i am feeling like i don't know the abcd of science also" He also says that please teach us about vedic science because modern science depth is nothing infront of the vedic science.

But still for our fate , our indian people instead of showing ineterest in vedic they are just following the modern science.

7 Facts that proves that ancient science was incredible advanced.

1) Sushruta Samhita, The Oldest Medical And Surgical Encyclopedia Known To Mankind.

Written during  the 6th century BC, the Sushruta Samhita contains 184 chapters with descriptions of 1,120 illnesses, 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources and 57 preparations based on animal sources. Its author Sushruta is also considered to be the first ever human to perform medical surgeries on humans. The book also has vast details on embryology, human anatomy, along with instructions for venesection, the positioning of the patient for each vein, and the protection of vital structures (marma). The oldest documented evidence (9000 years) for the drilling of human teeth of a living person was found in Mehrgarh along with the evidences of orthopedic surgeries. 

2) The First Ones To Acknowledge The Existence Of The Solar System

While history credits Copernicus for proposing the heliocentric model of our solar system, it was the Rig Veda that first noted the central placement of the sun and other planets orbiting it in the solar system.

3) Mahabharata Mentions The Concept Of Cloning, Test Tube Babies, And Surrogate Mothers.

The fact that in the Mahabharata, Gandhari had 100 sons is pretty well known. But what’s unknown is the scientific explanation behind her giving birth to a 100 kids. Each ‘Kaurava’ was created by splitting the single embryo into 100 parts and growing each part in a separate kund (container). This is identical to the cloning process today. The birth of Karan, who was ‘born from the “characteristics adopted from men of her choice” also has striking resemblance to the present-day test tube baby concept. 

4) ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ Precisely

 Calculates The  Distance 

Between Earth And Sun.

“Yug sahasra yojana par bhanu,
leelyo taahi madhura phal jaanu” 
The above excerpt is from the Hanuman
 Chalisa and translates to: ‘[When]
 Hanuman travelled thousands of
 kilometers to swallow it thinking of it as
 a fr. The word-to-word translation of the 
same excerpt reveals the 
distance that Hanuman travelled. 
1 Yuga = 12000 years.
 1 Sahsra Yuga = 12000000 years. 
Also, 1 Yojan = 8 miles. 
Hence, “Yug Sahsra Yojana”, 
the first 3 words mean 
12000*12000000*8 = 96000000 miles 
or 153,600,000 kilometers.
 Interestingly, the actual distance 
from earth to sun is 152,000,000 kms. 
Bafflingly, there’s error of just around 1%.uit’

5) Indian Vedas Figured Out

 Gravity Before The West Did 

Yet again, way before Isaac Newton
 explained gravity, ancient Indian scholars 
had already figured out how it worked. 

Rig Veda 10.22.14
“This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it moves ahead. All the objects
 over the earth also move with it. It moves around the sun.”

6) We Already Knew 

About The Speed Of Light 

Sayana, a vedic scholar from the 14th
 century once said, "With deep respect,
 I bow to the sun, who travels 2,202 
yojanas in half a nimesha." 
A yojana is 9 miles; a nimesha is 16/75
 of a second. 
Therefore, 2,202 yojanas x 9 miles
 x 75/8 nimeshas = 185,794 miles
 per second or 2,99,000 kilometers
 per second. That’s astonishingly
 close to the real ‘scientifically-proven’ 
3,00,000 kilometers per second figure.
 It’s often believed that his source was
 none other than the Vedas.

7) They Knew The Exact 

Length Of  A Year

Ancient Indians used 4 ways to measure
 the length of a year namely ‘Nakshatra’,
 ‘Savana’, ‘Lunar’ and ‘Saura’. Saura was
 one method based on the tropical zodiac 
that defines the seasons: equinoxes,
 solstices, year-halves, and months in relation
 to the (six) seasons. As unbelievable as it
 sounds, Saura estimates the length of a 
year to be exactly 365 days, 6 hours 12
 mins and 30 seconds.

This all things where found during the
 ages where there were no modern
 method for calculation
 and they have succeded in that.
 My humble request to
 upcoming students 
try to learn our own indian
 knowledge bank called vedic 

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